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Alberto Puig pinpoints the reason Marc Marquez didn’t win sooner on a Ducati

Alberto Puig pinpoints the reason Marc Marquez didn’t win sooner on a Ducati

Honda boss has his say on Marc Marquez’s Aragon triumph

Alberto Puig
Alberto Puig

Alberto Puig has pointed out why Marc Marquez was forced to wait for his first win post-Honda.

Marquez secured his first wins on a Ducati last weekend in Aragon, rolling back the years to deliver a perfect weekend.

Marquez revealed that he visited his former colleagues at Honda – where he won his eight world championships – so they felt “a part” of his newest success.

“I was very happy about Marc’s victory…and I expected it,” Repsol Honda team boss Puig told El Periodico.

“And I’ll tell you more: I expected him to win sooner, but I was very surprised by the difference between this year’s Ducati and the 2023 Ducati.

“I think that this difference, which is important, has prevented Marc from winning races in the first third of the season.

“That and, of course, that both Pecco Bagnaia and Jorge Martin and even Enea Bastianini are riding wonderfully and are three great riders.

Puig’s Honda remain stuck at the back of the grid, the key reason Marquez chose to quit last year.

But he insists that riding a ‘23 Ducati has held Marquez back this season.

“That is why I say that what Marc has just achieved, winning with a motorcycle from last year against the official Ducati ones, has even more merit.

“I’m not involved in Ducati, but I’ve been here for many years, watching and analySing the races and the difference between this year’s Ducati and last year’s is big.

“that’s why Marc’s merit, by winning in Aragon, is immense. And, I repeat, I expected it, it doesn’t surprise me in the least.”

Puig paid tribute to the champion that was once Honda’s star.

“I know better than anyone who Marc Marquez is, he is a rider with beastly capabilities.

“I know that, following his tremendous accident in Jerez, many people doubted him.

“And I understand it, because everything was complicated, not only the injuries, the diplopia in his eyes, the motorcycle that didn’t work, but, even with everything, I never doubted that I would win again, never!

“Marc has returned to being Marc, he has won again, not because of his talent, not because of the Ducati, not because of his new team…no, no.

“Marc has won again because he had it very clear.

“When you become obsessed with a goal, when you have things as clear as Marc had them and have them, when you have a determination as brutal as he has, it is impossible for what you pursue, what you propose, not to happen.

“And even less so when it comes to a phenomenon like Marc.”

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